Follow the Leader

Monday, September 26, 2011

A relaxing Saturday in Union Square turns into Protest or anybody know where Peachtree St is?

This is not the first time I have ended up in some place I should not have be in, I couple of weeks ago I was in a train at the World Trade Center as I came up out of the tunnel from the Path New Jersey's transit system, the were soldiers, FBI agents with dogs, protestors everywhere then it hit me the date September 10th 2011.

I am new to New York so I thought I would I would go visit Union Square to see the farmers market.Nice relaxing way to spend a Saturday in New York right, I have the worst timing I walked right into a major protest. Police are everywhere and so are protesters. No big deal according to the New York Times, 80 people were arrested. I was in the National Guard in Atlanta when the Democratic party had their convention but this was no comparison, New York's finest were formed into a small army equipped with their own cameras to record the event. I thought that they were out because the United Nations Delegates were meeting. Have you ever had the feeling that you did not need to be somewhere, I made my way to Madison Square Park just in time as squadrons of police cars lights flashing sped back to where I had just left. I should have taken pictures but I was not with the press or with the protestors so I did not take any chances.

Wow Clueless in New York.

1 comment:

  1. Zombies on Wall Street...

    They are still here and say they are not leaving.


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